Publications of A.L. FABRIKANT
- Fabrikant A.L., Stepanyants Yu.A. "
Wave propagation in shear flows", World Scientific, 1998.
- Fabrikant A.L. "
Plasma-Hydrodynamic Analogy for Waves and Vortices in Shear Flows"
- Lecture Notes in Physics, Publisher: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg,
Volume 586 / 2002, Chapter: p. 192
- Rabinovich M.I., Fabrikant A.L., Tsimring L.Sh. " Finite-dimensional
Spatial Disorder" - Sov.Phys. Uspekhi, 1992, v.162, n.8, pp.1-42.
- Fabrikant A.L. "Wave
interaction with stratified flows" (in Russian), D.Sc. Theses,
Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod, 1991.
- Stepanyants Yu.A.,
Fabrikant A.L. "
Propagation of waves in hydrodynamic shear flows", Sov.Phys.Usp., 1989, v.32, n.9, pp.783-805.
- Fabrikant A.L. " Super-reflection of waves in fluid flows",
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 1987, v.30,
n.2, pp.213-224.
- Rabinovich M.I., Fabrikant A.L. " Nonlinear waves in nonequilibrium media", Radiophysics
and Quanthum Electronics, 1976, v.19, n.5,
- Anatoly Fabrikant System
and Method for Ophtalmic Surface Based on
Objective Quality Estimation - US 20130204237 A1
- Anatoly Fabrikant System
and Method for Ophtalmic Surface Measurements
Based on Sequential Estimates - US20130138094
- Anatoly Fabrikant, Guang-ming (George) Dai, Dimitri
and Methods for Treatment Target Deconvolution
- Patent US
20140095137 A1
- Anatoly Fabrikant Guang-ming
(George) Dai, Dimitri Chernyak,
Ben Logan, David Hindi, Qi Wang Systems
and Methods for Correcting High-order Aberrations in Laser Refractive
Surgery - Patent US
2013/0190736 A1
- Guang-ming (George) Dai, Dimitri Chernyak, Anatoly Fabrikant
Basis Data Apodization Systems and
Methods - Patent application filed 11/06/2013
- Stan Bentow, Anatoly Fabrikant, Guang-ming
(George) Dai Compensation
Systems and Methods for Flap Induced Aberrations - Patents application
filed 12/05/2013
- Dimitri Chernyak,
Anatoly Fabrikant Tilt compensation, measurement, and
associated adjustment of refractive prescriptions during surgical and
other treatments of the eye - Patent US20130023863
- Fabrikant, Anatoly, Zhao, Guoheng, Wack, Daniel, C., Nikoonahad, Mehrdad System for Scatterometric Measurements and Applications"
- Patent US 7511830 (A1)
- Walter D. Mieher, Ady Levy, Boris Golovanesky,
Michael Friedmann, Ian Smith, Michael Adel,
Anatoly Fabrikant ,Christopher F. Bevis, John Fielden, Noah Bareket,
Kenneth Gross, Piotr Zalicki,
Dan Wack , Paola DeChecco,
Thaddeus G. Dziura, Mark Ghinovker
and Method for Detecting Overlay Errors Using Scatterometry"
- Patent US 2008094630 (A1)
- Shchegrov Andrei V., Fabrikant Anatoly, Nikoonahad
Mehrdad Parametric
profiling using optical spectroscopic systems to adjust processing
parameter" - Patent US 2006132806 (A1)
- Fabrikant, Anatoly, Zhao, Guoheng, Wack, Daniel, C., Nikoonahad, Mehrdad System
for Scatterometric Measurements and Applications"
- Patent US 2008084567 (A1)
- Walter D. Mieher, Ady Levy, Boris Golovanesky,
Michael Friedmann, Ian Smith, Michael Adel,
Anatoly Fabrikant , Apparatus
and Method for Detecting Overlay Errors Using Scatterometry"
- Patent US 2008049226 (A1)
- Mieher Walter, Levy Ady, Golovanevsky Boris, Friedmann Michael, Ian Smith, Michael Adel, Anatoly Fabrikant, Christopher F. Bevis, Mark Ghinovker Apparatus
and Method for Detecting Overlay Errors Using Scatterometry",
Patent US 2008024766 (A1)
- Fabrikant, Anatoly, Zhao, Guoheng, Wack, Daniel, C., Nikoonahad, Mehrdad System
for Scatterometric Measurements and Applications"
- Patent US 7099005 (B1)
- Walter D. Mieher, Ady Levy, Boris Golovanesky,
Michael Friedmann, Ian Smith, Michael Adel,
Anatoly Fabrikant ,Christopher F. Bevis, John Fielden, Noah Bareket,
Kenneth Gross, Piotr Zalicki,
Dan Wack , Paola DeChecco,
Mark Ghinovker, Knoll Noam, Moshe Baruch Apparatus
and Method for Detecting Overlay Errors Using Scatterometry"
- Patent US 2004233439 A1
- Shchegrov Andrei V., Fabrikant Anatoly, Nikoonahad
Mehrdad Parametric
profiling using optical spectroscopic systems" - Patent US
2004257588 (A1)
- Walter D. Mieher, Ady Levy, Boris Golovanesky,
Michael Friedmann, Ian Smith, Michael Adel,
Anatoly Fabrikant, Christopher F. Bevis, John Fielden, Noah Bareket,
Kenneth P. Gross, Piotr Zalicki,
Dan Wack, Paola Dececco,
Thaddeus G. Dziura Apparatus
and Method for Detecting Overlay Errors Using Scatterometry"
- Patent WO 2004053426 (A1)
- Shchegrov Andrei V, Fabrikant Anatoly, Nikoonahad
Mehrdad, Levy Ady, Wack Daniel, C., Bareket
Noah, Mieher Walter, Dziura
Ted Parametric
profiling using optical spectroscopic systems" - Patent WO
03054475 (A2)
- Shchegrov Andrei V, Fabrikant Anatoly, Nikoonahad
Mehrdad, Levy Ady, Wack Daniel, C., Bareket
Noah, Mieher Walter, Dziura
Ted Parametric
profiling using optical spectroscopic systems" - Patent US
2004070772 (A1)
- Fabrikant A.L.
"Radio-acoustical remote sensing method for measuring of the temperature
and wind speed in the atmosphere" Invention Certificate No. 1709263
G01S 13/95 [in Russian], Bull.Inventions, 1992,
- Fabrikant A.L.
"Radio-acoustical remote sensing method for measuring of the
temperature and wind speed in the atmosphere", Invention Certificate
No. 1290881 G01S 13/05, Bull Inventions [in Russian], 1988, n.46, p.299.
- Ezersky A.B., Rabinovich M.I., Fabrikant
A.L. "Method for measuring of large-scale structures in turbulent
flows", Invention Certificate No. 1056042 G01N 29/00, Bull.
Inventions [in Russian], 1983, n.43.
- Anatoly Fabrikant, Guang-Ming Dai, Dimitri Chernyak " Optimization of Linear Filtering Model to Predict
Post-LASIK Corneal Smoothing Based on Training Data Sets" - Applied
Mathematics, 2013, 4, 1694-1701
- Fabrikant A.L. " Modulated opto-acoustical
sounding of the upper ocean" - Int. J. Remote Sensing, 1997,
v.18, No.11, 2277-2287.
- Ostashev, V.E.; Clifford, S.F.; Lataitis, R.; Muschinski,
A.; Fabrikant, A.L. "Amplitude-Modulated
Radio-Acoustic Sounding" - Acta Acustica united with Acustica,
Volume 87, Number 6, November/December 2001, pp. 717-720(4)
- Fabrikant A.L., Spiesberger J.L., Silivra
A., Hurlburt H.E. " Estimating climatic temperature change in the
ocean with synthetic acoustic apertures" - IEEE J. Oceanic Eng.,
1998, v.23, No.1, pp. 20-25.
- Spiesberger J.L., Fabrikant A.L., Silivra
A.A., Hurlburt H.E. "Mapping climatic
temperature changes in the ocean with acoustic tomography: Navigational
requirements" - IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering, 1997, v.22, n.1, pp.
- Silivra A.A., Spiesberger J.L., Fabrikant
A.L., Hurlburt H.E. "
Acoustic tomography at basin-scales and clock errors" - IEEE J.
Oceanic Engineering., 1997, v.22, n.1, pp. 143-150
- Glazman R., Fabrikant
A.L., Greysukh A. "Statistics of spatio-temporal variations of sea surface height based
on Topex altimeter measurements" - Int. J.
Remote Sensing, 17, n. 13, 2647-2666.
- Glazman R. Fabrikant
A.L., Greysukh A., 1996. "Nonlinear
features of equatorial baroclinic Rossby waves detected in TOPEX altimeter
observations" - Journal of Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 3, n.2,
- Glazman R. Fabrikant
A.L., Srokosz M.A. "Numerical analysis of
the sea state bias for satellite altimetry" - J.Geophys.
Res., 1996, 101, n. C2, 3789-3799.
- Fabrikant A.L. "Harbor
excitation by shear flow" - J. Fluid Mech., 1995, v. 282, pp.
- Fabrikant A.L., Raevsky M.A. "Influence of
drift flow turbulence on surface gravity wave propagation" - J.
Fluid Mech., 1994, v.262, pp.141-156.
- Fabrikant A.L., Trakhtengerts V.Yu., Fedoseev Yu.G., Rapoport V.O., Zinichev V.A.
"Radio-acoustic sounding using short radio waves" - Int.J.Remote Sensing, 1994, v.15, No.2, pp. 347-360.
- Fabrikant A.L., Trakhtengerts V.Yu., Fedoseev Yu.G., Rapoport V.O., Poliakov
S.V., Zinichev V.A. "The dynamics of
atmospheric active zones and the radio-electro-acoustic sounding of the
atmosphere" - in: COSPAR Colloquia Series, v.5.
"Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program. The initial Results from STEP
facilities and Theory Campaigns", Pergamon,
1994. pp. 489-491.
- Brown R., Fabrikant A.L., Rabinovich M.I., Zhelezniak
A.L. "The origin of patterns in the anisotropic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. - Dynamics of spirals"
- Preprint Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1993.
- Brown R., Fabrikant A.L., Rabinovich M.I. " Evolution
of patterns in the anisotropic complex Ginzburg-Landau
equation. - Modulational instability" -
Physical Review, E, 1993, v.47, n.6, 4141-4150.
- Bazhenov M.V., Fabrikant A.L., Rabinovich
M.I. "The "phase-amplitude" turbulence transition in a Ginzburg-Landau model as a critical phenomenon",
Phys. Lett. A, 1992, v.163, pp.87-94.
- Stepanyants Yu.A.,
Fabrikant A.L. "Features of the Cherenkov
emission of drift waves in hydrodynamics and in plasma" - Sov.Phys. JETPH, 1992, v.75, n.5, 818-824.
- Bazhenov M.V., Fabrikant A.L., Rabinovich
M.I. "Analysis of the dimension of space series as a method for the
investigation of critical phenomena in the Ginzburg-Landau
model" - in "Pattern Formation In Complex Dissipative Systems.
Fluid Patterns, Liquid Crystals, Chemical Reactions" ed. by Kai,
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ, 1992. pp.361-373.
- Belenov A.F., Belov I.F., Benediktov E.A.,
Fabrikant A.L. and others. "The stand
"SURA". Review of investigation results." - Preprint of the
Radiophysical Research Institute [in Russian],
n.343, Nizhny Novgorod, 1992.
- Fabrikant A.L. "Resonant
wave-vortex interaction" - in "Nonlinear Dynamics of
Structures" (R.Z.Sagdeev, U.Frish, F.Hussain, S.S.Moiseev, N.S.Erokhin
-ed.), World Scientific, River Edge, NJ, 1991. pp. 359-368.
- Fabrikant A.L. " Method of radio-acoustic sounding using modulated radio
signals", Radiophysics and Quantum
Electronics, 1991, v.33, n.1
- Stepanyants Yu.A.,
Fabrikant A.L. "Scattering of sound and
internal gravity waves by concentrated vortices in a rotating stratified
fluid", Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic
Physics, 1991, v.27, n.3, 164-171.
- Zinichev V.A., Rapoport V.O., Trakhtengerts
V.Yu., Fabrikant A.L.,
Fedoseev Yu.G.
"Radio-acoustic sounding system in the short-wave radio range" Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 1991, v.33, n.31
- Zinichev V.A., Rapoport V.O., Trakhtengerts
V.Yu., Fabrikant A.L.,
Fedoseev Yu.G.
"Preliminary results of radio- acoustic sounding of the atmosphere in
the short wave radio range", - in: "Investigations of
atmospheric boundary layer under earth and ocean by acoustical
methods" [in Russian], v.1, Moscow, 1990, pp. 27-31.
- Fabrikant A.L. "Compensation
of wind drift during oblique radio-acoustic sounding of the
atmosphere", Radiophysics and Quantum
Electronics, 1989, v.31, n.10, pp.819-822.
- Troitskaya Yu. I., Fabrikant A.L. "Resonant amplification of
internal gravity waves in a shear flow", - Radiophysics
and Quantum Electronics, 1989, v.32, n.10, pp. 898-906
- Zinichev V.A., Fabrikant A.L., Shlugaev Yu.A. "On a possibility of the long-range
radio-acoustic sounding", in: "Investigations of Dynamical
Processes in the High Atmosphere" [in Russian], Moscow, 1988.
- Fabrikant A.L. "Resonant
amplification of internal gravity waves scattered at a cylinder
vortex", in: "Oscillations and waves in fluids and gases"
[in Russian], Gorky Polytechnic Institute, 1989, pp.70-79.
- Fabrikant A.L. "Momentum of
the wave packet in a medium and induced mean flows", Preprint
Institute for Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR [in Russian],
n.183, Gorky, 1988.
- Zinichev V.A.,Rapoport
V.O.,Trakhtengerts V.Yu.,
Fabrikant A.L., Fedoseev
Yu.G. "Stratosphere-troposphere
radio-acoustic sounding in the short wave radio range", Opt.Atm. [in Russian], 1988, v.1, n.12, pp.76-79.
- Fabrikant A.L. "The
reflection of Rossby waves from the surface of a
tangential velocity discontinuity", Izvestiya,
Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 1987, v.23, n.1, pp.79-81.
- Troitskaya Yu. I., Fabrikant A.L. "Resonant amplification of
internal gravity waves in a shear flow", Preprint Institute for
Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR [in Russian], n.171, Gorky,
- Fabrikant A.L. "Nonlinear
dynamics of wave packets in a dissipative medium", Sov.Phys. JETPH, 1984, v.59, n.2, pp.274-278.
- Fabrikant A.L. "Adiabatic
spectral evolution of envelope solitons",
in: "Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes in Physics", New York,
1984, v.2, pp.785-789.
- Fabrikant A.L. "Sound
scattering by vortex flows", Sov.Phys. Acoust., 1983, v.29, n.2
- Fabrikant A.L. "Sound
scattering by a vortex", - Sov.Phys. Acoust., 1982, v.28, n.5, pp.410-411.
- Gromov P.R., Ezersky A.B., Fabrikant A.L.
"Sound scattering at a vortex wake behind a cylinder" - Sov.Phys.Acoust., 1982, v.28, n.6, pp.452-455.
- Gromov P.R., Ezersky A.B., Kiyashko S.V.,
Fabrikant A.L. "Sound scattering by a toroidal vortex. Theory and experiment", Preprint
Institute for Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR [in Russian],
n.59, Gorky 1982
- Zheleznyakov V.V., Fabrikant A.L. "Electromagnetic shock waves in
magnetized vacuum" -Sov.Phys. JETPH, 1982,
v.55, n.5, pp.794-798.
- Fabrikant A.L. "On
parametric decay of electromagnetic waves in magnetized vacuum", Sov.Phys. JETPH - Letters, 1982, v.36, n.3, pp.66-69.
- Ezersky A.B., Gromov P.R., Fabrikant A.L.
"Sound scattering at vortex flows", Preprint, Institute of
Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR [in Russian], n.28, 1981.
- Andronov A.A., Fabrikant A.L. "Theory of aerodynamic
self-excitation of sound: resonator whistles", Sov.Phys.Acoust.,
1980, v.26, n.5, pp.461-464.
- Andronov A.A., Fabrikant A.L. "Theory of aerodynamic
self-excitation of sound: amplification of surface waves", Sov.Phys.Acoust., 1980, v.26, n.5, pp.370-374.
- Fabrikant A.L. "On nonlinear
water waves under a light wind and Landau type equations near the
stability threshold", Wave Motion, 1980, v.2, n.4, 355-360.
- Fabrikant A.L. "On nonlinear
development of wind waves under a light wind", Izvestiya,
Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 1980, v.16, n.9
- Golemshtok G.M., Fabrikant A.L. "Scattering and amplification of
sound waves by a cylindrical vortex", Sov.Phys.Acoust.,
1980, v.26, n.3, pp.209-213.
- Rabinovich M.I., Fabrikant A.L. "Stochastic self-modulation of
waves in nonequilibrium media", Sov.Phys. JETPH, 1979, v.50, n.2, pp.311-317.
- Rabinovich M.I., Fabrikant A.L. "Nonlinear stage of modulational instability in active media" in:
Investigations on Geomagnit., Aeronomy and the Sun Physics [in Russian], 1979, 48.
- Andronov A.A., Fabrikant A.L. "Landau dumping, wind waves and
whistles" in: Nonlinear waves [in Russian] (A.V.Gaponov,ed.)
Nauka, Moscow (1979).
- Vyshkind S.Ya.,
Rabinovich M.I., Fabrikant
A.L. "On the stochastisity appearance in
decay processes", Radiophysics and Quantum
Electronics, 1977, v.20, n.2
- Fabrikant A.L. "Quasi-linear
theory of wind waves", Izvestiya,
Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 1976, v.12, n.8, pp.524-526
- Fabrikant A.L. "Resonant
interaction of sound with a parallel shear flow" - Sov. Phys. Acoust., 1976,
v.22, n.1, pp.56-59
- Lonjii Tang, Barlow J. L., Spiesberger J.L., Fabrikant
A.L. Multipath identification and truncated total least squares solution
for ocean acoustic tomography" - Proceedings of the "Inverse
Problems" meeting, 1995.
- Fabrikant A.L., Glazman R., Greysukh A.
Two-dimensional spectra of sea-level variations derived from Topex-Poseidon data. - Proceedings of 1994 Ocean
Sciences Meeting, San Diego, 1994, pp.170-171.
- Glazman R., Fabrikant
A.L., Greysukh A. Basic statistics of spatio-temporal variations of sea surface height
derived from TOPEX altimeter data - Proceedings of the 1994 Fall AGU
Meeting, San Francisco, December 1994.
- Brown R., Fabrikant A.L., Rabinovich M.I., Zheleznyak
A.L. "The origin of patterns in the anisotropic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation: Dynamics of spirals" -
Preprint of the Institute for Nonlinear Sciences, UCSD, La Jolla, 1993.
- Fabrikant A.L., Stepanyants Yu.A. "Radiative forces on moving sources in anisotropic
media", in: "18-th Intern. Congress of Theor.
And Appl. Mechanics. Haifa, Israel, 1992". Technion.
Israel, 1992, p. 53.
- Zinichev V.A.,Rapoport
V.O.,Trakhtengerts V.Yu.,
Mareev E.A., Fabrikant
A.L., Fedoseev Yu.G.
"Hydrodynamic and electromagnetic interaction between the neutral and
ionized atmosphere", Report of the Institute for Applied Physics,
Academy of Sciences USSR [in Russian], Gorky, 1991
- Fabrikant A.L., Stepanyants Yu.A.
"Sound and internal gravity waves scattering at localized vortex
flows", in: "Vortices and Turbulence on the Ocean",
Kaliningrad, (Russia) 1990.
- Fabrikant A.L., Stepanyants Yu.A. "On
the scattering of internal gravity waves by vortices in a rotating
fluid", Colloquium Euromech-271 "Diffraction of waves by
obstacles and Inhomogeneities in fluids",
Kiev, 1990.
- Fabrikant A.L. "On the
scattering of acoustic and internal gravity waves by vortex flows in
rotating atmosphere", in: "Middle Atmosphere Study.
International Symposium. Dushanbe, November 12-19, 1989", Moscow,
1989, 52-53.
- Fabrikant A.L., Troitskaya Yu.I. "On
the amplification of internal gravity waves in shear flows", in:
"Middle Atmosphere Study. International Symposium. Dushanbe, November
12-19, 1989", Moscow, 1989.
- Fabrikant A.L., Troitskaya Yu. I. "Amplification criterium for internal gravity waves in a critical
layer of a shear flow" Conference on Stratified Flow Problems,
Kaliningrad, (USSR) 1988.
- Fabrikant A.L. "Rossby waves on a vortex sheet", in: "3-d
Congress of Soviet Oceanologists",
Vladivostok, 1988.
- Alelekov I.V., Bogolubov B.N., Zinichev
V.A., Kuznetsov M.F., Rybenkov
L.A., Fabrikant A.L., Fedoseev
Yu.G., Cherepovitsky
V.A. "Electro-magnetic resonant low-frequency sound transmitter in
atmosphere", in: "Proc. 10-th Sympos.
on Laser and Acoustic Sounding of the Atmosphere" Pt.2 [in Russian]
Tomsk, 1987, pp.117-121.
- Zheleznyakov V.V., Zaitsev V.V., Suvorov E.V., Zlotnik
E.Ya., Trakhtengerts V.Yu., Fabrikant A.L.
"Theoretical investigations of electromagnetic processes in space
plasma", Report of the Inst.Appl.Phys. Acad.Sci.USSR [in Russian], Gorky, 1985.
- Raevsky M.A., Fabrikant A.L. "Effects of surface gravity waves
multiple scattering at the drift-flow turbulence", in "Waves and
diffraction. 85." [in Russian], v.1, Tbilisi, 1985, 430-433.
- Fabrikant A.L., Raevsky M.A. "The influence of sub-surface random
and drift turbulent flows on surface waves propagation",in:
"Problems of Hydromechanics and Ocean Studies", v.2A, Kiev, 1984
- Fabrikant A.L., Stepanyants Yu.A.
"Influence of dissipation on spectral evolution of ocean swell",
in: "4-d Conference on Problems of Scientific Research of the Ocean.
Vladivostok,1983" Vladivostok, 1983.
- Fabrikant A.L., Ezersky A.B. "Remote acoustic diagnostic of
periodic vortex wakes", in: "7-th Scientific and Technical CAGI
Conference on Aeroacoustics", Moscow, 1982.
- Fabrikant A.L., Gromov P.R., Ezersky A.B., Kiyashko S.V. "Sound scattering by a toroidal vortex", in: "3-d Symposium on
physics of acoustical-hydrodynamic phenomena and optoacoustics.
Tashkent, 1982", Moscow, 1982.
- Rabinovich M.I., Gromov P.R., Ezersky A.B., Kiyashko S.V., Fabrikant
A.L. "Investigations of stochastic oscillations and turbulence" Report
of the Institute for Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR [in
Russian], Gorky, 1981.
- Zheleznyakov V.V., Zaitsev V.V., Suvorov E.V., Zlotnik
E.Ya., Trakhtengerts V.Yu., Fabrikant A.L., Bespalov P.A. "Theoretical investigations of
electromagnetic processes in space plasma", Report of the Inst.Appl.Phys.Acad.Sci.USSR [in Russian], Gorky,
- Zheleznyakov V.V., Zaitsev V.V., Suvorov E.V., Zlotnik
E.Ya., Trakhtengerts V.Yu., Fabrikant A.L., Bespalov P.A. "Theoretical investigations of
electromagnetic processes in space plasma", Report of the Inst.Appl.Phys.Acad.Sci.USSR [in Russian], Gorky,
- Fabrikant A.L. "On resonant
amplification of sound by vortices", in: "2-d Symposium on
physics of acoustical- hydrodynamic phenomena and optoacoustics.
Suzdal, 1979" Moscow, 1979.
- Fabrikant A.L."On the
self-excitation mechanism of aerodynamic sound generators", in:
"2-d Symposium on physics of acoustical- hydrodynamic phenomena and optoacoustics. Suzdal,
1979" Moscow, 1979.
- Rabinovich M.I., Sazontov A.G., Fabrikant
A.L. "Stochastic decay of nonlinear waves and turbulence
establishment in non- equilibrium media", in: "7-th Symposium on
Diffraction and Waves Propagation. Rostov-na-Donu, USSR", v.1, Moscow, 1977.
- Fabrikant A.L. "Excitation
of acoustical and electrodynamical resonators by
flows", M.S. Thesis, Gorky University, 1973.
- Fabrikant A.L. "Nonlinear
waves in nerve fibers" B.S. Thesis Radiophysical
Faculty, Gorky University, 1971.