Anatoly Fabrikant
Senior Research Scientist. (1977-1992)
Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Performed multiple theoretical, experimental, and numerical investigations in electromagnetic waves, optics, fluid mechanics, and aero-acoustics.
- Designed and implemented a unique radio-acoustical system for atmospheric measurements (3 patents issued).
- Developed analytical and numerical methods to analyze basic linear and nonlinear wave interaction mechanisms, including wave propagation and scattering in non-uniform layered media, wave modulation, solitons, and chaos.
- Developed linear theory of aerodynamic self-excitation of sound in an acoustical resonator (whistle).
- Discovered and analyzed resonance amplification of acoustic and internal gravity waves in shear flows.
- Performed a comprehensive analysis of wave momentum in a medium along with induced mean flows.
- Proposed a method of plasma-hydrodynamics analogy - a powerful heuristic tool for qualitative investigation of wave propagation and generation in fluid flows.
- Discovered the effect of resonant amplification of sound be intensive vortices.
- Discovered electromagnetic shock and parametric instability of electromagnetic waves in magnetized vacuum.
- Derived basic equations for self-modulation of waves in non-equilibrium media, called now " Rabinovich-Fabrikant equations".
Investigated properties of chaotic behavior (strange attractor) in that system.